
Sunday, September 02, 2007

Oshiri kajiri mushi...!!

Hello, everyone~!

Today, as I was surfing through the Internet, I happened to find the music video that's been getting popular in Japan. The song is called "Oshiri kajiri mushi". The translation would be "An insect that bites butts". Yeah, I know it sounds really strange, and even ridiculous. First time I'd heard of the character, I completely had no idea what it looked like... Finally, I had a chance to see it and I liked how the character has been described! So, why don't you see it moving and what it's singing about?

Though I'm Japanese, I just don't know what the lyric wants to say! But I guess it's okay because it's a song for children and the primary purpose of the song is, I suppose, to make people dance and smile!

I hope you enjoy the video and hopefully dancing! Hahaha...

That's all for today!
See you soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow! i wasn't sure what to say in the beginning, since the bug was just bugging around people's butts. but then in the end it showed its determination and perseverance, so i guess it's a little bug that never gives up? hahaha...this is just me though...