
Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Rise of the Rest

Hello, everyone~!

These days, I've done a lot of things that I would like to talk about on this blog. But I don't have enough time to cover everything right now, and it obviously becomes hard for visitors to read long entrees. So, I would like to talk about them one by one.

Well, what I want to talk about today is the article that I've read recently called "The Rise of the Rest." It's written by Fareed Zakaria, the editor of the NEWSWEEK international. I've seen his name on the magazine because he also appears on the Japanese edition of NEWSWEEK and I read the articles in English from the magazine's website,

This time, however, I didn't know the detail of the article very much until I heard about it from the teacher of the class that I'm taking. The journalists from the major news companies in Japan come to AGU, and do lectures. As a part of the lecture, he introduces articles or papers that he thinks are interested or helpful to understand what journalism is about. One of them was "The Rise of the Rest."

Inside the article, what Zakaria wants to say is that the American doesn't need to be sad just because of the fact that the power of America has been shrinking due to the rise of the countries that we think of as developing world.

It's interesting for me to know not only the fact that the article like this comes up on the magazine, but also the fact that the booming of information causes us to fear terrorism, and feel insecure about what's going on throughout the world. Moreover, I think it's crucial for each of us to think deeply about his/her own country. And also, acquiring the ability to think about ourselves as a member of this world is important.

There are so many things to think about and talk about in terms of the future. Lately, I've been thinking about whether or not people in Japan who are much much younger than me would have what we take for granted now, such as "omoiyari"(People care about each other.) A lot of elderly people in Japan have said that we are losing something important, and everyone feels it as everyday life has been covered with the value "time is money" and "caring only about yourself." So, we are also losing what we take for granted because of ourselves...??

Well, no one is sure how it'll turn out and that's where we can find hope, I guess.

Hmmm..... Am I getting a little bit serious this time?!
Anyway, if you're interested in the article.... "The Rise of the Rest"

See you soon!^^

1 comment:

Nina Liakos said...

Hi Hiromi,
Thank you for recommending this article. I've just read it and found it extremely interesting! It reminds me of The World Is Flat in some ways: a new world order, not worse, but different. It's very optimistic, isn't it! But then I think about the pessimism associated with the fear of the consequences of global warming, which (thanks in large part to the reluctance of the United States to act responsibly) is seen as ready to precipitate worldwide disaster.

I wonder where we are heading. personally it seems unlikely to me that the planet can support the burgeoning numbers of human beings crowding out other species at an alarming rate. (I hope I am wrong!)